21 03, 2017

History and Tradition of Karneval Orden

At Karneval time, you will see a lot of people wearing military-like medals around their neck called Orden. These colorful medals have a story that dates back to the 1800s and are LOADED with symbolism. These special awards were originally designed to mock the establishment. Today, they are considered a prestigious honor, which reflects status [...]

Katrina-dari-Pabrik Pin Kerah Murah

Hai, Saya Katrina, Manajer Pemasaran Pabrik Pin Kerah Murah. Kami akan selalu menjadi Solusi Satu Pintu yang Andal untuk Barang Promosi Kustom & Hadiah Bisnis dari Tiongkok. Hubungi saya di katrina@cheapelpin.com untuk mendapatkan penawaran untuk pesanan Anda BEBAS.

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